1. The Company or the Controller of Personal Data: Abromavicius Attorneys, law firm, legal
entity code: 306364387, address: Gedimino ave. 27, LT-01104 Vilnius (hereinafter – the
2. Customer or Data subject – visitors of the website www.whichlawyer.legal, whose personal
data is collected by the Company.
3. Website – the www.whichlawyer.legal.
4. Personal data – any information related to a natural person Data subject whose identity is
known or can be determined directly or indirectly using such data as a personal code, one or
more characteristics of a physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural or social
nature characteristic of a person.
5. Processing of personal data – any action performed with personal data: collection, recording,
accumulation, storage, classification, grouping, connection, change (addition or correction),
provision, publication, use, logical and/or arithmetic operations, search, dissemination ,
destruction or other action or set of actions.
6. Partner – an attorney at law or law firm that provides services directly to the Customer using
the Website and (or) the Company’s activities, or carries out joint projects with the Company,
including, but not limited to, marketing campaigns, joint sales campaigns, loyalty programs,
etc., in media, online pages.
7. A cookie is a small piece of textual information that is automatically created when browsing
the website and is stored on the visitor’s computer or other device.
8. Direct marketing is an activity aimed at offering goods or services to individuals by mail,
telephone or other direct means and/or asking for their opinion on the offered goods or
9. Privacy policy – means this document, which establishes the principles and rules of
processing Personal data, using the services of the Electronic Store.
10. Account – the main data for the Customer’s connection to the Online Store, which consists of
one email address and Password.
11. Password is a unique combination of numbers, letters, or numbers and letters or other
symbols created by the Customer, which can be used to connect to the Online Store.
12. The Client grants the Company the right to perform all Personal Data processing actions
within the scope and purposes provided for in this Privacy Policy.
13. Personal data is processed in accordance with the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data
of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts regulating the processing and protection of
Personal Data, this Privacy Policy.
14. In the company, Personal data is processed in accordance with the following principles:
14.1. Personal data is collected for defined and legitimate purposes;
14.2. Personal data is processed accurately, fairly and legally;
14.3. Personal data are valid and only to the extent necessary for their collection and
further processing;
14.4. Personal data are constantly updated;
14.5. Personal data is stored in such a form that the identity of the Data Subject can be
determined no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which these data were
collected and processed.
14.6. All information about Personal Data is confidential;
14.7. Personal data and personal information of the customer will not be used for illegal
15. The Customer shall read the Privacy Policy and agrees or disagree with it when making a
registration at the Website. If the Customer does not agree with any part of the Privacy Policy
or the Privacy Policy, in this case the Customer must not use the Website.
16. The Privacy Policy can be viewed in the Website and printed at any time. The privacy policy
may be changed, supplemented or updated at the discretion of the Company.
17. During the initial registration at the Website, the Customer must provide his e-mail address
and come up with a secure Password, as well as provide accurate Personal Data which
allows to identify the Customer. The customer is responsible for their correctness. After
creating the Account, the Customer is given identification code.
18. When using the Services, the Customer must always provide accurate Personal Data to the
Electronic Store and is responsible for their correctness.
19. The customer has the right to change and supplement Personal data in the Account at any
time or to contact the electronic store with a request to cancel the Account.
20. The Customer must not disclose the Password to third parties and must keep it safe,
otherwise, all related responsibility rests with the Customer.
21. The Company respects every customer’s right to privacy. Customer Personal Data (ie name,
email address, phone number, address, product/service payment details (bank account
number, payment method, etc.), purchase history, etc.) are collected and processed for the
following purposes:
21.1. For the purpose of e-commerce (concluding legal services agreement and salepurchase of legal services). The following Personal Data are processed: name,
surname, e-mail address, phone number, address, IP address, payment data. The
duration of storage of personal data used for the purpose of e-commerce is 5 (five)
years from the day of the last connection to the Electronic Store.
21.2. For direct marketing purposes. The following personal data are processed: name,
surname, telephone number, e-mail address, place of residence. The storage period
of personal data used for the purpose of Direct Marketing is 2 (two) years from the
day of the last connection to the Website.
22. The customer can give his consent to the processing of his personal data (name, surname,
telephone number, e-mail address, address, age, gender, date of birth, place of residence)
for the purpose of Direct Marketing. If, after giving consent to process his data for the
purpose of Direct Marketing, as well as to receive Direct Marketing messages, the Customer
no longer wishes to do so and informs the Company about it, the Company will no longer
process his Personal Data for the purpose of Direct Marketing and will not send the
Customer any electronic news, except for information related to the Customer’s order.
23. The Customer has the right at any time to withdraw his consent to the Company processing
the Customer’s Personal Data for the purpose of Direct Marketing, by submitting an
appropriate notification to the Company by e-mail at support@aattorneys.legal and clearly
indicating that he withdraws his consent to use his Personal Data for the purpose of Direct
Marketing and does not wish to receive any Direct Marketing communications.
24. The Customer also has the opportunity to refuse to exercise his right to object to the
processing of the Customer’s Personal Data for the purpose of Direct Marketing by clicking
on the relevant link in each e-mail sent.
25. The Customer, as a Data Subject, has the following rights listed below in relation to the
procedures for processing the Customer’s Personal Data:
25.1. to receive information from the Company about the processing of the Client’s
Personal Data, to get acquainted with his Personal Data and how they are
25.2. to receive information from the Company, from which sources and which personal
data of the Client was collected, for what purpose it is processed, to which recipients
the data is provided and has been provided for at least the last 1 (one) year;
25.3. demand correction, destruction of the Client’s Personal Data or suspension, except
for storage, of the processing of his Personal Data, when the Personal Data are
processed in violation of the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the
Republic of Lithuania and other laws.
26. The Customer’s Personal Data shall not be provided to third parties, except in the following
26.1. When the Client’s consent is obtained, as indicated in this Privacy Policy;
26.2. Personal data for e-commerce purposes are provided to Partners who provide the
Company with services related to the Company’s activities;
26.3. to the competent authorities in the cases provided for by the laws and legal acts of
the Republic of Lithuania.
26.4. Payments in the electronic store are processed using the Paysera platform Stripe
Technology Europe Limited, address The One Building, Grand Canal Street Lower,
Dublin 2), therefore your personal information, required for payment execution and
confirmation, will be transferred to the payment institution.
27. The Client is aware of his right to object to the processing of his Personal Data for the
purpose of Direct Marketing, that is, the Client has the right to object immediately or later.
28. The Customer agrees that his Personal data will be transferred to the Partners when fulfilling
the Customer’s order submitted in the Electronic Store, as well as when the Company
provides Services to the Customer, as well as to the Company’s Partners.
29. If the Customer does not agree with the Privacy Policy, the Customer will not be able to use
the services of the Electronic Store.
30. The Company implements organizational and technical measures to protect Personal Data
from accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, disclosure, as well as from any other
unlawful processing.
31. The Client agrees that in cases where it is necessary according to the instructions of the
competent authorities and/or the Client’s Personal Data may have been used in the course of
illegal activities, or there are reasonable suspicions of identity theft, for which the competent
law enforcement authorities are conducting a pre-trial investigation, or there are other legal
grounds or purposes, his Personal data would be stored by the Company on servers for
longer than specified in this Privacy Policy.
32. Upon receipt the Data Subject’s instruction or inquiry related to the processing of Personal
Data, the Company provides the Client with an answer, satisfying the request/instruction or
refusing to do so with reasons, no later than within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of
the Data Subject’s request. If the Data Subject wishes, the answer must be given in writing.
33. In order for the Company to be able to offer the Customer full-fledged services in the
Electronic Store, with the Customer’s consent, information Cookies are recorded on the
Customer’s computer (device), which are used to identify the Customer as a previous user of
the Electronic Store, to collect statistics of the Electronic Store’s attendance, information
about the shopping cart . At any time, the customer can view what cookies are being saved
and can delete part or all of the saved cookies.
34. To learn more about cookies, such as how to manage or delete them, you can visit
35. The company has the right to change or supplement the “Privacy Policy” in whole or in part.
Additions or changes to the privacy policy take effect from the date of their publication