Applicable from 15 December, 2023

Application of Terms & Conditions

These Terms & Conditions (hereinafter – Terms & Conditions) apply to all users of the website www.whichlawyer.legal (hereinafter – the Website) and for the use of the Website of all registered and non-registered users. The Website is managed by Abromavicius Attorneys, law firm, legal entity code 306364387, address Gediminas Ave. 27, Vilnius (hereinafter – the Administrator).

By registering with the Website, you shall express consent with the Terms & Conditions. In the event you do not agree with the Terms & Conditions, you should not use the Website.

Licence conditions

The Website allows you to search and contact the selected Law firms and attorney-at-law and to conclude a legal services agreement with the selected law firm or attorney-at-law (hereinafter – the User licence).

The purpose of the User licence is to select an attorney at law from the Website and conclude a legal services agreement. You are not entitled to use the Website for any other purpose.

These Terms & Conditions does not regulate legal services provided by individual attorneys-at-law and law firms listed in the Website.

All law firms and (or) attorneys at law, registered at the Website, act individually as legal services providers (hereinafter – the Law firm). The Legal Services Agreement is always concluded between you as the client, and the respective Law form.


The User licence for is free of charge.

These Terms & Conditions does regulate any fees for legal services.

Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest  

The Website enables the Law firm, before accepting any assignment, to carry out screening of conflict of interest to make sure that the Law Firm is able to undertake the assignment in accordance with the rules of applicable jurisdiction.

Notwithstanding screening procedures, there may arise circumstances that prevent the Law Firm from representing the client in an ongoing or future assignment. In such cases, the professional ethics rules governing conflicts of interest of the local Bar shall apply and the Law Firm shall have the right to terminate the Legal services agreement.

Confidential information

The Website does not collect or store any confidential documents or information which you will provide to the selected Law firm. In the case any such information is disclosed to the Website, it shall be kept conditional.

If such an obligation arises from the law, the Website may, without the client’s express consent, disclose to third parties (including notaries, translators, banks and state authorities) confidential information and documents relating to the client.


The Website and the Administrator shall not be held liable for the services rendered by independent Law firms and attorneys-at-law. Nevertheless, the Website may assist you in the settlement of any dispute with the Law firm.

In the case you have any complaints regarding the services of the Law firm, you must contact the Law Firm directly. We also ask to inform the Website about any of such dispute by email: support@aattorneys.legal.

The liability of the Website and the Administrator be limited to direct losses. Neither the Administrator, nor the employees shall be liable for any indirect losses, including loss of profit. The total liability of each Party shall be limited to the amount of EUR 500.

Termination of the Contract

The Client may terminate the contract at any time by notifying the Website in writing.

The Website may terminate the contract for any reason by giving 10 calendar days’ prior written notice, or for important reasons, in which case the contract shall be terminated immediately.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

This contract shall be governed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania.

Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms & Conditions shall be settled by negotiations. If an amicable settlement cannot be reached, the dispute must be referred to court in Vilnius.


All notices, requests, demands and other communications regarding the use of the Website shall be sent writing by email support@aattorneys.legal.

Changes to the General Terms & Conditions

The Administrator may unilaterally change these Terms & Conditions at any time by publishing the new Terms & Conditions on the Website.

If the client does not accept the change to the General Terms & Conditions, the client may terminate the contract.

